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Click here to learn about the new Privacy Policy updates from Practical Components.Dummy Amkor laminate ChipArray® packages are available without solder balls upon special order. Packages available without solder balls include CABGA, CTBGA and CVBGA. The same standard daisy-chained substrate would be used based on open tooling.
LGA is another term used for parts without solder balls. The same BOM (bill of material) is used when parts are assembled. Dummy LGA parts are used to reduce package height, drop test performance in handheld applications, solder ball attach practice, socket insertion, P&P evaluation, reflow profiling, enhance thermal cycle reliability and other purposes.
LGA solder interconnect if formed solely by solder paste applied at board assembly because there are no solder balls attached to the dummy LGA. This results in a lower stand-off height of approximately 0.06mm to 0.10mm, depending on solder paste volume and PCB geometry. Laminate substrate is solder mask defined. Standard ball pad finish is NiAu.
Application notes available for supporting technical data.
* Body sizes range from 5mm ~ 17mm.
* Available pitches are .4mm, .5mm, .8mm and 1.0mm.
* Parts packaged in trays (standard).
* Parts available on Tape and Reel upon special request.
Part Description System (use as an example when ordering)
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